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Welcome Creative Soul, to the

10 Week Online

Group Somatic Coaching Programme


The Embody your Joy programme aims to provide a supportive and inclusive space

for all women to explore their creativity, to discover the importance that play and joy

has on our nervous system, and guide you to feel empowered to use Movement, Art and Creativity,

as a way of connecting with your innate Playful, Joyful and Expressive Soul,    



I hope to help you find what is safe enough to help you embrace the messy,

imperfect canvas of life with creativity, radical self-compassion and Inner Joy!


The Details...

Autumn 2024

2025 Dates Coming Soon!

Dates & Times 

Tuesdays 6:30pm - 8pm - FULLY BOOKED

8th October - 10th December â€‹

  • 8 Weeks of Live Online Sessions.

  • 2 'Integration Weeks' with no live calls, for Resting & Reflecting.

  • Sessions will be recorded but only available to those who sign up from the beginning.


2025 prices TBC


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This offering is completely new and therefore I invite you to join me, with an open mind and a curious heart, as part of a small Beta testing group,
to iron out the kinks, see what works and what doesn't!
I thank you in advance for your patience!
Programme Details
Intentions of this course:
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Explore with curiosity the qualities that help you to be more open to embody joy and be more fully present and alive within your creativity and life.

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Learn to create a foundation for safety and connection with yourself and communicate with your body in a different way, to find a deeper inner confidence, contentment and capacity. 

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Identify and work towards your personal goals and intentions with support, and accountability.

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Explore tools and practices that nurture creative

self-expression and support your mindset relating to

self-worth and radical


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Use a deeper way of connecting with your inner parts, including your inner child and inner critic, that is IFS (internal family systems) informed. 

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Explore practices and allow time for deep rest, clarity, imagination and integration.

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Have the opportunity and choice to share your experiences and have open discussions with others in this

small, intimate group.

Does this programme feel aligned for you?​


Register your Interest for the 2025 Programme!

Are You Ready to Explore?


This is for you if....


  • ​You’re open to being more playful and explorative in order to fully embrace who you are.

  • You want to understand more about yourself, and want to engage with life through the lens of your nervous system and physiology to bring more joy into your life.

  • You're open to exploring your creativity and unique self-expression through movement, creative practices and the Wisdom of the Inner Child.

  • You want to gain an understanding of the Inner Child & other inner parts such as the Inner Critic, to identify their needs and work to nurture these parts. 

  • You’re open to giving yourself permission to prioritise your needs and wellbeing to support with experiencing more of your inner joy.




*This programme welcomes all who identify as women. 

The content is not structured around women's topics, however discussions around hormones or

menstrual cycles may come up. If you Identify as non-binary, gender fluid or gender neutral,

and feel safe enough to join us, you are welcome to. 

I am committed to providing safe, welcoming and trauma-sensitive spaces to anyone who experiences marginalisation, due to any aspect of their identity, background or culture, including the disabled community and the LGBTQIA+ community.




Important Considerations...​​​

Group Somatic Coaching can be a wonderful place for connection, guidance and accountability with setting goals and moving forward in your life, perhaps following on from, or alongside other types of therapy, counselling and mental health support.


This is programme is not a Therapy or Counselling based offering and I'm not a trained mental health professional. If you require mental health support, please visit the resources link above. 


This programme includes explorations into our inner parts (IFS), that can show up as shame, self-doubt and low self-worth, along with their connection to the inner child. 

Inner Parts work can be challenging and confronting, as can other Somatic practices that invite you to listen inward,  so it is important to acknowledge up front whether you feel ready to greet these parts and take that deeper dive. 


This programme aims to be trauma-sensitive and there will be lots of preparation work around connecting with and returning to safety.

You will be encouraged throughout to do what feel right for you and to honour your own needs in the most effective and supportive way possible. 


If you feel that you'd benefit from 1-1 Somatic Coaching instead, where you have my full attention and support, please email me at

Does this programme spark your curiosity?!


Register your Interest for the 2025 Programme!

Meet Your Somatic Coach...
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Sophie Rey

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Sophie (she/her) and

I'm a sensitive, creative Soul who aims to provide safe, encouraging and inclusive spaces for adults to explore their creativity, discover the importance that experiencing play and joy has on our nervous system and how it can support our healing and connection to our inner essence and sense of purpose.


I've been practicing Yoga for 12 years and teaching for 6 and I’ve always been aware of the uniqueness and individuality of people and their bodies,   and I love exploring ways to ensure everyone is included and not feeling like they 'shouldn't be there'. I’ve been learning, practicing and incorporating Somatic practices into my own life and guiding with a Somatic approach since 2020, especially to those who have experienced physical, mental and emotional health conditions.


I’ve been working with clients in a Somatic Coaching capacity for the last 6 months, after completing my Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher & Coach for Women training. For this programme, I'm bringing together all the skills I've learnt as a Yoga Teacher & Somatic Coach, alongside my life long passion for art, creativity and embracing playfulness. I've been holding group workshops and day retreats based around supporting adults to explore their creative self-expression and find a deep inner trust for 4 years and I'm so excited to dive a little deeper into this with everything I've learnt and love!


This programme is a recognition of my own struggles and experiences with low self-worth, body image issues, eating disorders and low confidence, now realising that my sensitive nature needs something a little different to what society tells us we need. 

I’ve been using Yoga, Somatic practices and Art to support my own healing and I feel so ready and excited to share this at a level that feels comfortable and safe enough for me.


I'm looking forward to guiding you through this journey with an open mind

and a curious heart. 

Why Am I Offering This Programme?


This feels very close to my heart, and is something I've been thinking up for a few years now. 

Being able to support you with living a life where you aren't ruled by your self-limiting beliefs, but can learn to feel safe enough to listen inwards, in order to prioritise and nurture your overall health and creativity, is something I am incredibly passionate about.

You can register for this programme via the link below!

If you need any help or advice, please contact me via the

GET IN TOUCH page or drop me an email;

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