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Aim:  To provide a supportive, inclusive and holistic space for all who identify as women, to help facilitate personal growth and self-awareness, and explore creativity, self-expression and joy with radical self-compassion. 


1. Inclusivity. 

This programme is currently designed for and welcomes all who identify as women. The content of the programme is not specifically structured around women's topics, however discussions around hormones or menstrual cycles may come up as they are integral to some individuals personal experiences, including my own.

I recognise the diversity and challenges that people may face, and am committed to providing welcoming, trauma-sensitive spaces to anyone who experiences marginalisation, due to any aspect of their identity, background or culture, including the disabled community and the LGBTQIA+ community. 


I also recognise that some genders are excluded and therefore the programme is not 100% inclusive.

I work predominantly with women, and for now want to create a space that is available to those who may not feel comfortable sharing personal information where men are in attendance.  


2. Respect for Each Other 

We ask that you listen and respect each other, avoid commenting on people's personal experiences and do not provide unsolicited advice. 

Bullying, harassment, intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. If you experience this at any stage during the programme, please reach out to me as soon as possible. 

Privacy; Please do not take or share anyone's personal information from meetings or any additional support groups (whatsapp / Facebook) and please do not take photos when people are on screen. 

If you do want to reach out to anyone from the group, please contact me first;


3. The Nature of the Programme

This coaching programme is not a substitute for professional mental health treatment (I.e. psychotherapy, talk therapy, counselling or is it specific to mental health support). The programme is a Holistic & Creative approach to help facilitate personal growth, self-awareness and behavioural changes, which has been created within the boundaries and knowledge of my Yoga & Trauma-Informed Somatic Teacher & Coach Training. 

I will endeavour to support you as a group and as individuals in the best way that I can, alongside supporting each other as a community. 


If you feel that you would benefit from a talk therapist, counsellor or Somatic Therapist, I am happy to discuss this with you. If I feel that there is a safeguarding issue, I am required by law to raise concern to a relevant professional. I can also refer you to a talk therapist or counsellor who works with the body / with a Somatic approach. 


4. Brave Space for Discussion 

We aim to provide an open, judgement free space for discussion of life experiences, within the context of the programme. Sharing is optional and it is important that you only share what you feel comfortable to.

Throughout the programme, you will be given the option to go into smaller breakout rooms to check in with other members of the group, before returning to provide an overview of how you are getting on. This will help us to manage our time and avoid running over. Everyone will have a chance to share along the way, but again this is optional. 

If you want to talk about a personal situation which others may find triggering, please provide an initial trigger warning. 


5. Zero Tolerance on Hate Speech.

We will not tolerate any form of hate speech, and ask that you don't either. Hate speech can include, but is not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, gender, ableism, ageism, body-shaming, religion and other beliefs, marital or relationship status, pregnancy and maternity. 


​6. Personal Responsibility and Safety. 

You are responsible for your choices and decisions throughout this programme and I invite you to engage as best you can, with curiosity and kindness. 

Everything is an invitation and a suggestion to explore and see what resonates with you; not everything will feel ok, and that's ok, but please make sure that you listen to the feedback from your body and take care of your needs. 

If you find any of the material triggering, challenging, uncomfortable or even confusing, please do reach out to me. 

​Communication, Collaboration and Trust are key throughout this journey. If you feel uncomfortable at any time during sessions or you aren't happy, I do hope you can discuss this with me, so that we can work together to rectify it. You are welcome to send an email to me or we can chat over the phone / Zoom. 


Contact Details...


Phone; 07929603972​​


I am really looking forward to sharing this experience with you and the other gorgeous creative souls who join us!


With Gratitude & Respect, Sophie. 

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